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Tubular pick tool

While no lock picking tool is 100% effective - I can say with my hand on my heart I have NEVER known one of our Tubular lock picks to fail. They are simply incredible. 

These tubular lock pick sets are known to be reliable in opening your typical tubular locks. This can come in handy when you lose your key for the specific door in your house or piece of furniture and need to open it. Our set of lockpicks can pick tubular locks commonly found in safes, lockers, and display cases.

The quality of our lock pick set is durable; it can last you a few years if you take good care of it. The pin tubular lock picks set varies depending on what you need, and for this, we offer the 7 and 8 pin tubular lock pick set. It’s not really new knowledge that these tools are specialized depending on the lock, but usually 7, 8, and 10 have the same sizes, just a different pin count.

If you want to know what kind of picks you might need for your lock, you have to peep through the lock itself and see the number of pins inside. 

For each set, you will have an adjustment key that you can use for your picking to measure the pin impression. This will help you decode your lock and make a new key for it. If you don’t want a new key, you can use the strong collet to keep the impressions in place, and you will have yourself a functional key.

What makes them even more incredible is their ease of use. These Tubular lock picks are simplicity itself. Make sure the needles are flush by pushing the pick onto a hard, flat surface, tighten the tension ring, then slowly insert into the lock, turning left and right as you push it further. 

Our pin and lock picks for these tubular lock picking sets are durable and can withstand a beating, especially when the lock won’t budge. 

On the off-chance it doesn't work, reset the pick and loosen the tension ring before trying again. I doubt you'll need to do it more than three times - it really is usually once! 

This lock picking set is a nice addition to your working tools in the shed, and its quality is reliable for wear and tear. Like any other item in your toolkit, your picks might get ruined, but rest-assured that the pins or needles are replaceable when needed.